Sunday, October 22, 2023

Chapter 10. “Global Inequality.”

  1. Debate # 1. Do people in the U.S. have responsibility 

to foreign workers? 

  1. Define global inequality.

  2. Explain the functionalist perspective on global 


  1. Explain the conflict theory on global inequality. 

  2. Define global stratification.

  3. What role can prejudice and discrimination play 

in the context of economic inequality? Explain. 

  1. What is global classification?

  2. Explain what the author denominates Cold War 


  1. Explain Wallerstein’s World Systems Approach.

  2. What is a High Income Country?

  3. Define the concept of Deindustrialization.

  4. Define Middle-Income Nation and Low-Income 


  1. Define Relative Poverty and Extreme Poverty. 

  2. What is Subjective Poverty?

  3. What is the Underground Economy?

  4. Global Feminization of Poverty. Why do 

Women have higher rates of poverty than men?

  1. What does the author says about Africa? Explain. 

  2. Explain the context of poverty in Asia. 

  3. Explain the context of poverty in the MENA 


  1. Debate #2. USAS. 

  2. What are the main consequences of poverty 

mentioned by the author?

  1. What is Sedimentation of Global Inequality?

  2. Theoretical perspectives on Global Stratification. 

What is the Modernization Theory?

Explain the Dependency Theory.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Chapter 7. “Deviance, Crime, and Social Control.

  1. Define the concept of Deviance. What can we say 

from the structural-functionalist point of view? 

The example of Rosa Parks. 

  1. What is the relationship between deviance and crime?

  2. What is Social Control? Define Sanctions 

(positive or negative; formal or informal).

  1. The functionalist perspectives of crime and deviance.

What is deviance for Durkheim? Explain his notion of

Collective conscience.

  1. Explain Merton’s Strain theory. Explain, in Merton, 

the notions of conformity, innovation, ritualism

retreatism, and rebellion

  1. Explain the Social disorganization theory.

  2. What is Deviance according to the conflict theory?

  3. How does Marx define the bourgeois order, and 

its intersection with crime, wealth, and power?

  1. Explain the notion of the Power elite in Wright Mills. 

  2. What is the logic of the imbalance based on 

class and power, mentioned by the author?

  1. Explain the Labeling theory

  2. Felony conviction and the right to vote. Debate. 

  3. Explain the Differential association theory

  4. Explain the Control theory

  5. Define the concept of Crime

  6. What is a Law?

  7. Explain the different types of crime, 

according to the author. 

  1. What is a Hate crime?

  2. What is the Police?

  3. Federal courts - State courts. Explain. 

  4. Explain the difference between Prison and Jail.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Chaplin - The Factory Scene (from MODERN TIMES)



  1. Is Marx's theory of alienation still relevant in understanding 

modern-day labor and workplace dynamics?

Discuss how alienation manifests in contemporary jobs, 

especially in the gig economy or automated industries.

  1. Can alienation exist in non-capitalist societies (in Feudalism, 

for instance), or is it unique to capitalism as Marx described it?

  1. Does technological advancement reduce or increase 

worker alienation?

Consider whether the rise of automation, artificial intelligence, 

and technology makes workers feel more disconnected from 

the products they produce or if it gives them more autonomy.

  1. Is alienation solely a result of labor exploitation, or are there 

other social factors that contribute to alienation?

Discuss if alienation can be attributed to broader social, 

cultural, or political dynamics beyond economic exploitation.

  1. Can Marx's concept of alienation be applied to explain 

modern consumerism and the feeling of disconnection 

people experience in a materialistic society?

  1. Can you relate Marx’s concept of alienation to your daily life? 

Can you be alienated as a student?

Feudal Society Explained

 Watch the following video and answer the questions below: 

After watching this Video, please respond: 

1. Who was the owner of the land during the Feudal System?

2. Which role played the Great Lords?

3. Explain the relationship: Overlord-Vassal. What was the "Fief"?

4. Why did the Feudal system decay in Europe?

Weber - Rationalization

  Weber: Rationalization. Questions and Debate Explain the notion of Bureaucracy. Why does Weber  relate it to Dehumanization and Alienation...